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The private medical cardiological practice


in  the  Center  of  Düsseldorf

stress echocardiography


In this method the patient's heart examined with ultrasound during physical exertion and simultaneously writing an ECG. The combination of the two methods of examination stress ECG and cardiac ultrasound allows an accurate statement about blood circulation disorder.

Patients who are unable to perform an exercise ECG on the bike, for example because of physical limitations, get certain drugs to reach a maximal heart frequency. This is a variant of stress echocardiography.



In this method the patient's heart is checked during physical exertion examined with ultrasound and simultaneously made ​​an ECG. The combination of these two methods of examination stress test on a bicycle and cardiac ultrasound allows an accurate statement on circulatory disorders of the heart.



Dr. med. Danny T. Nguyen

Friedrichstr. 13-15

40217 Düsseldorf   

phones: 0049 (211) 830 850 50

fax:       0049 (211) 830 850 52



opening times:
Mo, Tu and Th:     08:00 - 18:00
We and Fr:           08:00 - 12:00
and by appointment



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