The private medical cardiological practice
in the Center of Düsseldorf
What is a diabetic retinopathy and who is at risk? What is a macular degeneration and how is it treated? Are there any effects of hypertension, increased cholesterol or nicotine?
In order to maintain the health of your eyes, regular research is important. Eye examinations allow early detection of various eye diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, effects of hypertension, and glaucoma. Since many of these diseases develop initially without symptoms, they are often discovered only at a more accurate eye examination. In an early discovery and treatment, these and other diseases can be cured or at least minimized and the risk of a visual loss reduced.
A modern special diagnostics allows the view to the outer periphery of the retina, with a pupil width of only 2mm in a single shot. The usual "wide dribbling" as with an ophthalmologist is no longer necessary, so that there is no influence on the driving ability.
The findings are produced in the center by ophthalmological specialists.
laser ophthalmoscopy

Ms. Natalie Barki
Specialist in Ophthalmology, Neuro-Ophthalmology
Head of the department of ophthalmology in the medical center Dusseldorf

Dr. med. Danny T. Nguyen
Friedrichstr. 13-15
40217 Düsseldorf
phones: 0049 (211) 830 850 50
fax: 0049 (211) 830 850 52
opening times:
Mo, Tu and Th: 08:00 - 18:00
We and Fr: 08:00 - 12:00
and by appointment