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The private medical cardiological practice


in  the  Center  of  Düsseldorf

ECG studies


The ECG is one of the tests, that are routinely performed by patients with heart problems. It provides information about the heart rate and rhythm and the electrical activity of atria and ventricles.


Through typical changes of the ECG it can be determined whether:

- a left or right heart failure is present

- you suffer from arrhythmia

- the patient has been suffered a heart attack

 (in some cases there arent ECG changes even after a myocardial infarction )

- the heart walls are thickened

- an inflammation of the heart / pericardium is present.



In our practice, a modern digital recorder system is used, which can recorded an ECG of your heart with up to 7 days. Typically, a 24 hours recording is enough.

The little recorder is very light and comfortable to wear.

In the following cases the implementation of a LZ-ECG analysis is useful:

- detection or exclusion of cardiac arrhythmias

- dizziness clarification

- clarification of unclear consciousness (syncope)

- therapy control in drug therapy of cardiac arrhythmias

- pacemaker malfunction




Dr. med. Danny T. Nguyen

Friedrichstr. 13-15

40217 Düsseldorf   

phones: 0049 (211) 830 850 50

fax:       0049 (211) 830 850 52



opening times:
Mo, Tu and Th:     08:00 - 18:00
We and Fr:           08:00 - 12:00
and by appointment




The exercise ECG is recorded on the same principle as the resting ECG. In contrast to the resting ECG the exercise ECG is registered but during physical activity. The the patient is sitting on a stationary bike. The working power is measured in watts, 25 to 50 watts normal walking, 75 to 100 watts of brisk walking, climbing stairs, slow cycling or swimming and 150 watts jogging and fast cycling equivalent. The aim is to achieve a high herat frequnency, which depends on the patient's age.

The stress intensity is usually increased every two minutes by 25 watts. With the ECG the blood pressure is regularly registered.


The exercise ECG is used for diagnosis and assessment, for example for the following diseases:

- coronary artery disease (circulatory disorders heart)

- blood pressure under stress (treated and untreated)

l- cardiac arrhythmia under stress

- Assessing effectiveness of drug therapy

- the physical functioning of heart disease

- the physical functioning of a healthy heart

- control the level of fitness in athletes.



An event recorder is a very small device (size of a USB stick ) with a memory chip that can record occasional cardiac arrhythmias.

With an event recorder primarily cardiac arrhythmias can be diagnosed, that occur only occasionally.

There are two types of event recorders: the portable and implantable event recorder. Implantable devices are increasingly being used because the ECG quality is better and faults are minimized.

The implantable event recorder is implanted in local anesthetic under the skin. The short procedure is performed in an outpatient surgery.

In cooperation with the cardiology departments of the Protestant Hospital Dusseldorf and Lukas Hospital in Neuss, the surgeries are performed in a timely manner. The data recorded by the recorder episodes are read out in our practice in computer, analyzed and discussed immediately.


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